Members Page

Many of you have heard me talk about why I cook: food is the first and only language I’ve ever spoken that others understood. It is the way I connect, the way I express; it is, simply put, my love language.

The Stuffed Olive Wine and Supper Club provides me an opportunity to connect with you beyond our menu. To learn with you, grow with you, share a glass of wine and explore with you.

Mangia & Salute Bella! Let’s grow together.
— Chef Liz

TSO Wine Club Member Information!


We are so glad you’re here! We can’t wait to start exploring with you. This truly is a passion project, and we know the possibilities of where we can take it are absolutely endless. Below you will find the information for accessing some of your online member perks, like the monthly featured wines page complete with professional and amateur tasting notes, the link to the catalog of discounted wines (remember to tell chef if you wish there was a favorite on there that you don’t see), and links to upcoming events.

Monthly Features

Discount Catalog

Please note: you should have received an email from Chef Liz with information like the password to access the discount catalog. If you did not please check your spam folder for that email list subscription. If you still have questions feel free to ask for Chef at the restaurant or send her an email.

Upcoming events

All subscriptions begin and renew on the First of each month. You may cancel at any time.